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•   Matt & Tracey McCormack Esposito  7/2
•   Mary West  6/12
•   Nicholas And Katherine Molnar  2/26
•   Chris Signore  9/3
•   Shannon And Tyler Schultz  5/30
•   Katherine Anderson & Karl Kulling  2/22
•   Jason Perry & Clarissa Tenido  1/25
•   James And Joanna O'Sullivan  12/5
•   Mike & Beth Haworth  8/3
•   Bruce & Margaret MacHaffie  6/7
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

2 live in California
73 live in Colorado
2 live in Hawaii
1 lives in Idaho
1 lives in Massachusetts
1 lives in North Carolina
1 lives in Texas
2 live in Virginia
2 live in Washington
1 lives in Wyoming


Percentage of Joined Home Owners: 60.5%

A:   52   Joined
B:   34   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


A Reminder for Homeowners and Renters on Snow Removal

Homeowners and rental tenants are being reminded that they are responsible for removing the snow accumulation from adjacent sidewalks to their properties. 

The HOA will clear snow accumulations of three inches or more. Otherwise you are responsible for snow removal within 24 hours of the snowfall stopping as required by the City.  Be aware that fines can be levied by the City when requirements are not met.

2025 Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD) Briefing to MOHA and current MOHA Firewise Certificate

- Dave Luken (MOHA's Board Member at Large) invited the CSFD to provide its annual Firewise Briefing to our Annual Owners Meeting on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.  The briefing provides a lot of information to membership on fire safety and making your homes more fire safe. 

       2025 CSFD Briefing for MOHA Homeowners

- Additionally, Dave obtained the most recent (2024) Firewise Certificate for your use.  This is an official certification resulting from the hard work homeowners perform in clearing foliage and participating in CSFD's Chipping Program.  Some insurance companies actually lower property insurance based on this certification, so it's worth checking on.  Dave has scheduled the weeks of July 14th and October 16th with the CSFD as our next Chipping Progam windows; more information to follow.

       2024 MOHA Firewise Certificate

Homeowners - Do you know there is a Peak Alerts system where you can sign up  to receive emergency warnings? Go here to learn how you can be notified in case of neighborhood emergency. Scroll to the topic COSReady- New Evacuation Software System.

Please update your email if you have changed providers

From admin Bev: I have some email bouncebacks. If you are not receiving emails from MOHA, please check that the email address you have in your profile is correct. I cannot change it for you. Thank you. 

Welcome to the web site for the
Mountain Oaks Homeowners Association 

This website was created to help build our community and to get to know each other better. If you have not yet done so, please create a Home Profile about your family. The mailing address and email address you submit on your profile are used to contact you. Renters are welcome to register as guests (use the Contact Us form and we will help you register).

Bookmark this site!

Homeowners: Be aware that in a fire emergency you can exit the community by going west on Broadmoor Bluffs Drive. Take the NORAD Road exit from Broadmoor Bluffs Drive to 115.


MOHA Mailing Address:

Mountain Oaks HOA
6510 S. Academy Blvd., Ste. A #310
Colorado Springs, CO 80906-8691

Is your mail on hold?

Your mailperson needs 30 feet of clearance in front of your mailbox to deliver your mail.

MOHA Homeowners, Renters, Leasers:

All homeowners, as well as renters/leasers, who live in the MOHA should be familiar with the specific Covenants, Bylaws, and RULES which govern the HOA in which they reside. MOHA Covenants, Bylaws, Policies, and RULES may be accessed from the left navigation on this website, or by clicking here. Please note that RULES are specific updates to the Covenants and supercede Covenant requirements.

There have been several instances of homeowners erecting fences on their property without prior authorization. Homeowners are reminded that fence structures of any kind are not permitted around the perimeter of any property. The only fence structure that may be considered is pet containment fencing which requires prior approval depending on fence style, size and location. Any fence structure that is installed without authorization will require immediate removal. Homeowners who do not comply will receive a notification letter for non-compliance with a fine starting at $100.00 and that goes to $300.00 for each subsequent notification. Fines that go unpaid may result in the placing of a lien on your property filed with the El Paso County Clerk and Recorder's Office.

Complaints: In order to better service complaints and issues associated with MOHA covenant violations, the MOHA is requesting that homeowners complete and mail the complaint form to the board.   This process will more narrowly define concerns and allow for accurate response by your MOHA volunteer board. The form can be located at this link for printing.  Click here

For Evacuation Routes from neighborhood, click here.